Monday, January 4, 2010

Why we LOVE our MAA???

When everyone was busy waiting for the New Year to come and embrace them, partying with friends, dancing in pubs and freaking out on roads, I was busy packing my bags. I had to catch a bus early morning to my papa’s place. So, sharp on 31st Dec, 10 pm, I closed my eyes and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning at 5 in the morning, I was shocked to see an array of messages and missed calls on my mobile. Well, not bothering much,I boarded the bus.

When I got down from the bus and started walking towards my papa’s place (he is currently posted in a very small town in Chittoor district), I saw an angel standing on the balcony with a smile on her face. There is an aura in her face, an angel whom I have been seeing since my birth. Neither with a magic wand nor with feathers, this angel is very much like us. I climbed the steps, approached towards her, and touched her feet. Seeing a smile on her face was enough for me to rejoice. Yes, I was in a mood to celebrate my new year with the angel. Undoubtedly, my day has begun with a special person, and I was sure that having seen her in the morning will surely make this year a memorable one. Needless to say, the ANGEL is my MAA.

If there’s one reason for me to live in this world, then it’s surely is my MAA who teaches me to be a better human being with every passing day. Life would have been really difficult if she would not have been with me constantly driving me to do good everyday. My MAA has taught me few lessons in my life which I would like to share with you all in my first post in this new year:

1. People die, if anything remains after death, is their words. Not everyone is capable to help the people who are suffering, but the only way we can make a difference in their lives is through our words. We should never hurt anyone with our words for soulful words can bring a smile on others face. You can be a leader, an inspiration, a guiding force, a mentor…only through your words……

2. EGO can never be an answer to any constructive relationship. A humbled life is a life worth living. That’s probably the reason behind the humbled attitude of great people. A life with baggage full of egos is a life filled with loneliness.

3. There is a time in everyone’s life because of some incident, people stop believing in GOD. But, my MAA says, “That’s the time when your faith in GOD should be stronger“. Everything happens for a reason, may be we are not able to visualize the good while suffering but definitely there is some good stored for us in the future. Every single suffering that we undergo makes us stronger and help us becoming a better human being.

4. It’s difficult but always try to be happy. In a life, where every second people suffer due to some or the other reason and sometimes have to face a cruel destiny, it’s very necessary to be happy with what we have and live those small moments which brings happiness in our lives rather than constantly cursing our destiny. In a race to become successful, we sometimes forget humanity. Humanity is all about loving people around us and spreading happiness in their lives and it is only possible when we are happy with ourselves.

5. Respect is the greatest thing that we can achieve in our life. Not every human being is born with a silver spoon or build a million dollar fortune in their life, but one thing which every single human being can earn is RESPECT and truly RESPECT is something which cannot be commanded. It only comes the way we live our lives and the way we behave with others everyday.

Someone have truly said, that GOD cannot be everywhere, that’s why he created “MOTHER”. If ever you have hurt your parents knowingly or unknowingly, make it a point to apologize to them later. Their tears can awfully spell doom in your lives. Trust me, a mother’s blessings and prayers can do wonders in their children lives.

Feel blessed if your mother is besides you, the way I am. She is the one who makes all sacrifices throughout her life to make you a better human being and give you a life worth living, isn’t it our duty to make her happy in the smallest possible ways we can in her times of need??

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