Friday, December 19, 2008

TALK About…

Let’s talk. Empty talks, talks filled with air, talks having some meaning, talks enough to create a web of thoughts in your mind, sensual talks, sometimes dry and sometimes wet, talks to spell bound, magical talks, talks used to play with the other mind. Life so short but deep enough to leave you perturbed. Talk about it, for talks are just to be spoken and then forgotten, talk about the people with whom you sleep in the night and talk about the people with whom you wake up every morning. Talk about the promises to be kept and some that needs to be broken, seal the talks with your lips and whisper some talks in the ears of the people you trust. Help people so that they talk about you and do betray some so that the talk about you intensifies.

Talk loud, talk soft, talk as if no one listens, there’s always a secret to be revealed and there’s some secrets to be kept within. Talk with your mind to manipulate ideas and talk to your heart to inculcate beliefs and if not anything, forget all the talks and succumb to the speechless talks. Talk about the warrior inside you and talk about the terror within your mind, talk about your unforgettable best and forgettable worst. Talk money, talk religion, talks which are colorful and some times painted with black and white. Influential talks, enough to change the direction of people lives and sometimes talk in vacuum which needs to be ignored. Talk intentionally to praise someone or pretend to be talking unintentionally to hurt some. Forecast your talks, take your talks to a state of déjà vu, feel as if the talks are talked before and talk as if every word woven are new. Gamble your talks, bet on it, win your talks and sometimes lose it. Do believe in some talks and doubt some talks too.

After all, these are talks which need to be remained as talks, sometime swift enough to experience you a new world around you and sometimes leaving you clueless, in a state of despair. An illusion, sometimes reality, talks are believed to be the most enticing piece of sound. Err, you still ready to sit besides me and have a TALK with me. The tables are set, lights are on, let’s talk……..

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