Monday, November 17, 2008

“WORD”ROBE Malfunction

This is something which I have been hearing since long, thanks to Shobhaa De, “Politically Correct” has been the most widely used term, in most impolitically places and no matter how conscious we are, sometimes, we are a victim of “Word”robe malfunction, a slip of tongue and we are in the midst of problems. The most prepared and the best speakers can be in the trap of a faux pas, sometimes it’s a choice and sometimes the impromptu situations act as a catalyst.

Well, I am not writing a “Robin Sharma” piece of article giving gyan to people, what I am writing here is definitely a piece of shit, it’s about the incredible and unstoppable people who do not even think once before making a public speech and call themselves the “Best of the lot”. It’s difficult to fathom my thoughts especially in this post as I have decided to talk about people who make all kinds of mistake in a conversation and mend the ocean of errors with one word “SORRY”. And, sorry, I am not one of them. Speakers and writers like me who always don’t like to be controversies favourite child prefer to generalize situations and people and then attack on them, for e.g, expose yourself to everyone and then tell “It’s aesthetic and if you have it, flaunt it”. I must say, good slogan for prostitutes and how can I forget the politicians. They have literally molested the beauty of words with their filthy talks and promises which is a bright example of “Wordrobe Malfunction in anonymity”. I am reminded of a girl, who had possibly a crush on a friend of mine and while in a discussion over a cup of coffee, she says , “Well, I am actually looking for a flat, so do Naman (name changed), possibly we both can share the flat”, ugh….I am not at all writing with a middle class notion in my mind, what I want to say is to be clear and precise, your intensions might be sacred enough, but your words are not. I have seen people going publicly declaring their love and affection for a person, then one fine day, they break up , which is quite common and when asked, they say “ It’s very private and it’s JUST a failed relationship”. Good going, youths should learn from these public figures how to f*** around with n number of people and tag it as “FAILED RELATIONSHIPS”. And, then there are people, worst among the lot who has succeeded in “Wordrobe Malfunction” and let me tell you they are proud of it. And, you can catch them everyday and have a sneak peek at their foolishness, you just need to switch on the TV and most important, you should have curiosity to know what’s happening around you and what appears infront of your eyes is a sheer farce, bold letters flashing on your screen one by one, filled with utter crap, no less interesting than an Ekta Kapoor drama. Well, I am not at all attacking Ekta Kapoor in this post, thankfully, two of the biggest bores on TV History (which was not when it started) have tactfully ended, and I thank her.

Well, I have tried my best not to commit “Wordrobe Malfunction” in my post and thankfully, I have succeeded in it. I am happy and gay about it….

Disclaimer: This is a post which is not to be taken seriously, not to be read seriously, and not to be talked about seriously, it’s only to be “UNDERSTOOD” seriously.

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