31st December 2008 10 am, Tuhin's House
Tuhin lying on his bed and doing some sketches of Tretya. Suddenly, someone from behind comes and close his eyes. There is a smile on Tuhin's face :) and he is ecstatic that the day has come when he can say all his feelings to her...
Tuhin: Great to see you here, Tretya
Tretya: This is not fair, everytime, you recognize me...even if your eyes are closed
Tuhin: I don't need eyes to recognize you...You are one whom I know since childhood. We have shared almost everything, our successes, failures, joys and sorrows...
Tretya:Seems as if it's yesterday...
Tuhin gets up from his bed and hides the sketches behind his back.......
Tretya: That's why I wanted to share the biggest moment of my life with you. I have a SURPRISE for you!!
Tuhin: Well, well..even I have a SURPRISE for you!!
Tretya: Okay, let's close our eyes and say together that we have been waiting to say....
Tuhin: Okay, 1, 2, 3 GO....
Tretya: I love TAPISH Tuhin: I love YOU
Suddenly, both of them open their eyes in a shock!!! There's tears in Tuhin's eyes and the sketches that he was hiding from Tretya are lying on the floor. Tretya can't believe her eyes that Tuhin loves her because she considers him as her one of the great friends....
Tretya: I am sorry Tuhin, didn't know that you....
Tuhin: No, it's OK. I am happy because you are happy. Hey, I am a cool guy, why am I crying??
Saying this, he wipes off his tears...
Tuhin: I am happy...very happy. And, this is not fair, when are you introducing me to TAPISH?? I am such an idiot..You are one of my best friends. We are so different from each other, I am an idiot..I am sure, since you have chosen Tapish, he must be a perfect man. You always looked for perfection!! You tried to so hard to bring a perfection in me, but I always turned out to be a carefree....
Tretya: Tuhin, I know, when you are emotional, you talk a LOT....I am sorry TUHIN.....
Tuhin: I want to be alone...Can I meet you later??
Tretya: Yeah Sure..Take care TUHIN...(saying this, she leaves)
31st December 2008, Lucknow University, 11:30 am
Inside the college campus, somewhere on a bench, sitting alone, Trishna is waiting for TUHIN to come...
Suddenly, Tuhin comes from back and puts his hand on Trishna's back...Trishna turns and shocked to see tears in Tuhin's eyes...
Trishna:What happened??
Tuhin hugs Trishna and breaks down....
Tuhin: My first love remained incomplete....She loves someone else.....Treyta is not mine...
Listening this, Trishna couldn't help but speechless..There's tears in her eyes....
And, someone else sees Tuhin hugging Trishna. He cannot believe his eyes that the only lady whom he loves is in somebody else's arms. He is fiery, angry and in a mood of revenge. He cannot take INFIDELITY as an answer.Everything is upside down for him. He has only one thought in his mind, "If Trishna can't be HIS, she cannot be anyone else's LOVE"...He leaves the place...
Trishna: Tuhin, just be calm. It's not necessary that the person we love should also love us...If we have loved any person truly, then we should be happy for him/her.
31st December 2008, 5pm
Phone rings....
Trishna: Hello
Tapish: Tapish here..
Trishna: Long time...How are you?? I came to know about your father's sudden demise..sorry about that..good to hear you..
Tapish: There are lot of things because of which we feel sorry!! Even, I am sorry for something. But, you know, somethings happens for good. I am organizing a small party at HOTEL PASSION tonight to celebrate my success and want you to be there..
Trishna:Tapish, I am sorry, but I am really not well and I don't think, I will be able to make it..
Tapish: We are talking to each other after almost 3 months, I have been through HELL in those 3 months. Can't you come for sometime to be with me and celebrate my success..
Trishna:Okay, I will be there!!
Tapish hangs on!! Takes out the revolver from his drawer...
Tapish to HIMSELF: Don't worry Trishna, I will not make you feel SORRY henceforth.....
31st December,2008 HOTEL PASSION, 11:30 pm
Everyone is having a good time at the party. Trishna is standing alone in a corner. Tretya and Tuhin are standing together. Tretya waiting for TAPISH to come so that she can tell her feelings to him and introduce TUHIN to TAPISH...
There's a song playing....
Suddenly, TAPISH enters the hall, approach towards Trishna, hold her hand and drags her...Trishna tried to free herself from his clutches but helpless. She tries to revolt but by the time she can do that, Tapish forcefully takes her towards the lift. Tretya and Tuhin notices Tapish dragging Trishna and follows him...
31st December,2008 HOTEL PASSION,Room No. 301 11:45 pm
Tapish along with Trishna enters the room and TAPISH takes out his revolver.
Trishna: What are you doing, TAPISH?? Are you mad??
Tapish: Yes, I am MAD. I loved you, yes, I loved you..but you betrayed me.
Trishna: What are you saying? Leave me..or else I will shout..
Tapish: HAHAHA...who will listen to you?? Everyone is busy enjoying for new year..there's loud music..no one can hear you...
Trishna tries to get up and goes near the door but is stopped by TAPISH...
Tapish: How can you even think of loving some other guy in my absence? I cannot see you going to someone else leaving me. I will KILL you and myself...
Suddenly, Tuhin bangs the door open and enters the room with Tretya...
Tuhin: Stop man...Put that gun down...
Tapish: OHH, so, Trishna, you have brought your lover with you in the party...
Tretya: Tapish!!! Don't take any bold step in anger..put that gun down...
Tapish: Who the HELL are you?? I am in LOVE with TRISHNA..And, I cannot see her loving someone else...
Tuhin: You are mad..and suddenly, Tuhin approaches Tapish and there is a tussle...there is a gun shot...
Trishna: (shouts) TUHIN!!
As soon as she approach towards TUHIN..running....there's another gun-shot...
Trishna falls on the ground...
Seeing all this happening, Tretya tries to snatch the revolver from TAPISH....
TAPISH: Leave me Tretya...
Tretya: You are a killer!!! I am not going to leave you...Give that gun to me...
Tapish: F*** Off!!! And, Tapish pushes Tretya on the ground....and fires a gun-shot on her too.....
Tuhin is unconscious lying on the bed, Tretya lying on the ground with blood oozing out from her body and Trishna screaming with pain. Suddenly, Tapish realizes that he has actually killed TRISHNA....Trishna's eyes are full with tears and she is gasping for breath....Tapish run towards Trishna and hold her in his arms...
Tapish: I am sorry TRISHNA....forgive me...I had become mad seeing you in Tuhin's arms..I couldn't see the sight
Trishna: Yes, you are true that I love Tuhin but Tuhin loves Tretya...and, Tretya loves YOU!!! It's unfortunate that though everyone loved each other, whatever remained in the END is only HATE!!
Tapish is shocked to hear this..He cannot believe his ears... Police enters the room and asks Tapish to surrender...
Suddenly, THERE's ANOTHER GUNSHOT from Tapish's revolver.....