Since childhood, there was someone or the other who kept on saying me what’s wrong and what’s right? The difference between good and bad, right and wrong,curse and blessing, sin and good deeds were thrusted on me by different sections of society. Till adolescence, I was unaware of what actually SIN is?? Continuosly being hammered by people, my mind had no option but to get moulded in a different way everytime a person filled it with some gyaan. Though the theory of going to hell and getting fired in the oil pan after committing a SIN did not appease me, but still, yes, even I was on the path of sanctity which showed me the mirror of transparency reflecting moral values, good deeds etc.
But then, gradually,the transparent picture got blurred, apparently the good people who used to talk about not committing SINs were the most notorious ones. As I grew older, my mind could visualize that every good deed was wrapped with a lie, the facts turned out to be myths, goodness gasping for life with the continuos attack of bad and what ultimately prevailed is SIN.
SIN is a shadow which paralyzes your thought process, makes you helpless and you tread an unknown direction without rhyme or reason. But then, when I was a kid unaware of anything, I was committing sin too. People around me made sure to paralyze my mind and listen to the society. I was helpless because I couldn’t take my own decisions, and whenever I tried to do that, I was punished, sometimes beaten and threatened. Yes, I was in an unknown direction of “SANCTITY” quite unaware of what sanctity is. Till 22, I did whatever I was told to do, indeed the biggest SIN of my life, but not anymore.
Now, I am above good and bad. There is nothing that I term as a “SIN”. The definition of “SIN” is relative and why do I have to always listen to society to lead a life which is entirely mine. Being in a society which is crippled, have no rights to design my ways of life. The rules of do’s and don’ts have handicapped me as a person for so long, not anymore. Yes, if the moral leaders ask me if I have committed any SIN, then my answer is “Numerous”.
SIN is IN and so is the SINNER….
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