Idhar udhar, jaoon kidhar?
dagar, dagar, shehar, shehar
mache yehi shor, bas charo oar,
jo karna tha, kabhi kiya nahin
kahe sab mujhe, main “Haramkhor”
Before anyone getting offended by the title of the post, let me clarify that I have dedicated this post entirely to MYSELF :) . It’s neither a work of fiction and nothing is unintended. Everything is purely intentional. So, before I write, why I have dedicated this post to myself, I will explicitly explain the true meaning of “HARAMKHOR“. According to Urban dictionairy, “Haramkhor” is one who earns his kicks by doing what he is not supposed to be doing. And, yeah, I epitomise the terminology.
As a child, I have not done anything which I was supposed to do, but still managed to be the cynosure of everyone’s eyes. Well, I will not write an autobiography here, but will highlight a few instances from “HERE and THERE” of my life. I remember, during my graduation, when I was struggling to be a JACK of ALL TRADES, enrolled myself into G-NIIT, B.SC Chemistry, BCA, IGNOU and last but not the least, was preparing for CAT. And, like Darsheel Safary of Taare Zameen Par (poor kid) :) , my day used to start at morning 5:30 and with my Kinetic Honda, I used to run from one class to another( NIIT to College, from College to IMS, again from IMS TO IGNOU). And, one thing which was a PAIN IN THE A** (PITA) was my Chemistry practical classes which used to start at afternoon 2 and end at evening 6. I still didn’t understand why the people used to be so happy when they see precipitate at the bottom of a test tube or see the litmus paper turn blue to red. So, to avoid those PITAs, I knowingly enter the practical classes without APRON and happily face the wrath of my Chemistry Lab Professor, who used to say “GET OUT, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER PRACTICAL CLASSES WITHOUT APRON“, poor, Chemistry teacher, little did he knew, I used to bunk his atrocious chemistry lectures and prepare for my MBA :) And, then, after few classes, my Chemsitry professor came to know my intentions and started allowing me to to do practicals without apron. But, taking the legacy of “HARAMKHORI” ahead, I always used to complete my practical sessions within 1-2 hrs, hehe. If the precipitate has to be yellow, go to the bathroom, one drop of pee, and BANG, precipitate turns YELLOW :) and if sometimes, the solution has to turn blue, green, maroon, I had with me other solutions in the form of variety of INK Pens, hoohahaahaaa :) Haramkhori, indeed!!!
And then, during my MBA, well, I was always a great speaker. And, making PPTs used to be the most pathetic job, till now, I hate preparing PPTs. Anyway, I always used to motivate my team members to make those PPTs, and me in turn presenting it infront of the Professors, since most of my classmates feared giving presentations. Poor they, whole night, they do all the hard work, and I go ahead with all the accolades in the morning with my mind-blowing presentations!! Not only I managed to be in the limelight for my presentations but also for screwing my classmates too. I was the one who used to ask the most difficult questions pertaining to the topic of their presentations. In fact, just 1 hour before my classmates presentation, I go to Library, search on the topic, prepare some good 2-3 tough questions, ask them, make them score low and then I used to get those brownie points. My professor used to be very impressed with my “so-called intelligent questions“. At the end of every presentation, he used to ask, “So, Ashutosh, do you have any question to ask?”, LOL :) Is chakkar main kabhi kabhi dost, treat bhi de dete the, my friends used to say, “Ashu you can do anything with us, take treat, but please don’t ask questions”.
Even if Lord Krishna has not said anything, but, GURU ASHU believes in “VATS, HARAMKHORI karo when it can do good to yourself without harming others”.
nice post...
completely different take on the word haramkhor :D
areeee...yaar u dont have a follow ka button... ab follow kaise karoo :(
Not entirely true, but good writeup. Reading this I composed a sher:
Kabhi Dagabaaz, Kabhi Qatil, Kabhi Chor,
Mere Yaar, Sab ke Sab Haramkhor!!!
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