Priyanka Chopra once said “God must have taken a vacation to make people like Aishwarya Rai, we mortals were made in a day“, and I wonder, if Priyanka Chopra was made in a day, then, I for sure, was made in a second, may be when god was busy with batch processing of human beings :)
I neither have the looks to make people go down weak on knees nor have the intelligence which can put me in a different league of people. So, what makes me so ordinary?? Well, I have always been a man of “Averages“. I used to score average during my exams, comes from an average background, graduated my MBA from an average B-school, started my career with an average salary and after 25 years, I am still an average human being. And, there is one friend of mine who says, “There is nothing wrong in being ordinary“. Well, point taken, as its coming from another ordinary person. But then, greatness comes within. So, we mortals minus Priyanka Chopra believe that, by sheer hard work, we can be successful and be extra-ordinary. Booh, what’s hard work?? I have seen rickshaw pullers in my town pulling rickshaws for a meagre Rs 15, the kind of hard work they do or some construction workers, we can never ever imagine to do. Hey people, now, don’t tell me, it’s all about destiny since I can give enough of examples where mere hard work falls flat, ask me!!!
Now, some of you will tell me about smart work, right time, management fundas and all that, but then, as truly said by my other friend, it’s all MOH-MAYA (no these are not the names of two girls) :) Jo hai, usi main khush raho kyunki insaan apni kismat likha ke aata hai…Now, if at all I could have had the address where the destinies are written, I will run and change mine.
So, coming back to the conclusion of how it feels being a step-child of God, then, well, it feels GREAT!!! We have ample amount of time in our life to study the people whom God made during a vacation or in a day, get insipired from them, try to be like them, listen to them, see them, sometimes get jealous, sometimes be happy aur yehi karte karte saali puri zindagi nikal jaati hai and then on our death bed, we have two options either to be happy consoling ourselves that whatever we have done in our lifetime is actually GREAT or repent thinking “Wish God had made me in a day or during a vacation“….
And, if you ask me, what would I think on my death bed, well, that remains to be seen!!!!
1 comment:
I am sure that God made you in a second and the very next second He must have regretted that!!!!
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